
Tuesday February 11, 2025

9am - Yoga with Will - Back to basics yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

9:30am-12pm - Community Care & Connect - Meet neighbours & friends for a coffee & snack - Connect with community resources for well being & support - Weekly on Tuesdays - Sponsored by Maggie's Place, Public Health & NS Health services - Fire Hall - 353 Hwy 2 - Five Islands

9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

10:20am - Mindfulness & Meditation Gathering - Whether you are brand new to meditation or have been practicing for decades, please join as we gather together in mindfulness - Hosted by Will Konshin Bollwerk - Donation to the museum suggested - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

11:30am - Chair Yoga - By donation ($5 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

3pm-4pm - Stick 'N Puck Skate - Helmets, gloves, skates & sticks required (face shield & shin pads recommended) - Free - CSA Certified helmets required (limited number helmets & sticks available to borrow) - Children 12 & under must have adult supervision on site - Lions Arena - 2163 Western Avenue - Parrsboro

3pm-4pm - Yoga With Meagan - Everyone welcome - Mats and props available if needed - Pay what you can if you can - For more info contact Meagan (902) 254-4021 - Chignecto Manor - 24 Bayview Manor Road - Advocate Harbour

6pm - Lions BINGO  - Play on TV, online, at the Lion's Den (210 King Street Parrsboro) or at Two Islands Brewing (169 Main Street Parrsboro) - cards available at many local businesses

6:30pm-7:30pm - Yoga With Charlene - Gentle yoga, all levels - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro  Cancelled

7pm-9pm - Archery - Down By The Bay Archery will be having practice Tuesday evenings until the end of April - Everyone is welcome to come and try for 3 times but then you must become a member of Archery Nova Scotia for insurance purposes - To help cover costs it will be $5 per evening for adults - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

7:30pm - King Street Strummers - Bring your string, voices and other instruments, come out, make some music and make a new friend - Everyone of any level of experience is welcome - Free - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro

Wednesday February 12, 2025

10am - Parrsboro Pacers - NS Walks Parrsboro weekly walking group -Everyone welcome - Meet at The Bandstand - Main Street - Parrsboro

10am-11am - YMCA Kickbox Cardio - A low impact-high energy choreographed full body workout - Punch and kick combinations that will challenge your stamina & coordination and get your heart pumping - Indoor sneakers required - No pre-registration needed - $8/adult - $5/student or senior - Volunteer instructor Phyllis Y. - Lion's Den - 210 King Street - Parrsboro

11am-6pm - Flippin' Mike's Food Truck - Gourmet burgers & fries - Click the link for their website with menu & updated location info - Weather permitting - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

3pm - Parrsboro Band Association AGM - New members welcome - Memberships may be purchase in person or online before the meeting - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro

3pm-5pm - Queer Drop-In - Mario Kart tournament - Ages 15+ are welcome to come hang out in a safe, support space - Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday - Fundy Geological Museum (multipurpose room) - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

5:45pm-6:45pm - Sledge Hockey - This 6-week sledge program is open to ages 8+ all levels - $10/person - To register contact Nick Leopold <nleopold@cumberlandcounty.ns.ca>  or call 902-397-3845 - Limited spots are available - Lions Arena - 2163 Western Avenue - Parrsboro

6pm-7:30pm - Winter Festival Full Moon Drum Circle - Bring a drum, pot, bucket, rattle, washboard, sticks or whatever percussion you find or make - Everyone welcome (children included) - Free - The Old Rock Shop - 349 Whitehall Road - Parrsboro

7pm -  Sound Bath - Relax & let go of stress as you immerse yourself in the sound & vibrations of the crystal bowls - $15 - Bring a mat, pillow and blanket - Please register with Michelle Anne - Gillespie House Yoga Loft - 358 Main Street - Parrsboro

7pm - Adult Craft Night - Wire Candle Art - Everyone welcome - Call 902-254-2046 or drop by the library to register - Parrsboro Library - 91 Queen Street - Parrsboro

7pm - Sea Song & Shanty Singalong  - Join Bartlett's Privateers for a shanty singalong - All are welcome and no  experience required  - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro

7pm-9pm - Adult Community Volleyball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro  Cancelled

Thursday February 13, 2025

Check with event organizers for weather cancellations

Fundy Shore Winter Carnival

9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

10am-12pm - Family Playgroup - A weekly drop-in program for parents/caregivers and their 0-5 yr old children - Stories, singing, fun activities & a healthy snack - Free - Hosted by Maggie's Place - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

10am-4pm - The Travelling Optician - Eyewear consultation, purchase & repair - They can access your prescription if you don't have a copy - Will be in Parrsboro every 2nd Thursday - Call 902-669-4599 for information - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

1pm-4pm - Snowshoe/Hike - Join Tide Rollers & Mudlarkers to explore the Five Islands Estuary Trail - Please pre-register with parrsboroshoretours@gmail.com - Free - This is part of the HikeNS Guided Winter Hikes program - Meet at 12:45 at Five Island Provincial Park entry gate - 618 Bentley Branch Road - Five Islands

3pm - Craft at the Library - Heart Mobiles - Grades PP-6 - Call 902-254-2046 or drop by the library to register - Parrsboro Library - 91 Queen Street - Parrsboro

3:45pm-4:30pm - Parrsboro Cyclefit - Coed spin class - A great workout that you can fine tune to your level -Advanced online registration is required (up to 24 hrs in advance) via the Cumberland YMCA website - Parrsboro High School (upstairs classroom) - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

4pm-Close - Thursday night is Wing Night at Two Islands Brewing & Glooscap Restaurant - Parrsboro

5:30pm-7pm - Public Skate - All ages - Free - CSA Certified helmets required (limited number available to borrow) - Children 12 & under must have adult supervision on site - Lions Arena - 2163 Western Avenue - Parrsboro

6:30pm - Full Moon Rising Walk - This is a Fundy Winter Carnival event - Ottawa House - 1155 Whitehall Road - Parrsboro  Cancelled

6:30pm-7:30pm - Bodypump - Bodypump is a toning class using weights suitable for all fitness levels - Equipment is available for use - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro  Cancelled

7pm-7:30pm - Adult Public Skate - Ages 18+ only - Free - CSA Certified helmets required (limited number available to borrow) - Lions Arena - 2163 Western Avenue - Parrsboro

7pm-9pm - Murder Mystery Cocktail Party - A pirate themed murder mystery with snacks provided, a cash bar and lots of fun - Hosted by Ship's Company Theatre - Click the link for tickets - Gillespie House - 358 Main Street - Parrsboro

8pm - Amazing Astronomy - Come out and do some star gazing - Weather permitting - Advocate Library - 93 Mills Road - Advocate Harbour

Friday February 14, 2025

Fundy Shore Winter Carnival

9am - Yoga with Will - Flow yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Winter Carnival event - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

10:30am-11:15am - Flow in the Snow Yoga - Experience fresh air & fun with Will at this outdoor practice - Standing poses only - Please dress for the weather - This is a free Fundy Winter Carnival event - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

10:30am-11:30am - Winter Carnival YMCA Kickbox Cardio - Free - A low impact-high energy choreographed full body workout - Punch and kick combinations that will challenge your stamina & coordination and get your heart pumping - Indoor sneakers required - No pre-registration needed - Volunteer instructor Phyllis Y. - Lion's Den - 210 King Street - Parrsboro

10:30am-Noon - Belly Dancing - All empowered women are invited to come out for some fun & giggles - No experience necessary - Free - Wear what you want (a sheer scarf or piece of fabric to tie around the waist is a good idea) -  Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

1pm-3pm - Valentine's Day Tea - Drop in for sandwiches and sweets - $10/person ($5 for children) - Five Islands Bazaar - 1144 Hwy 2 - Five Islands

1pm-4pm - Wellness Fair - SPAR Community Health Board is hosting - Come out for refreshments, games & to learn about many of the health & wellness services available to you - FPW Fire Hall - 8484 Hwy 209 - Port Greville

1:30pm-2:30pm - Winter Carnival YMCA Chair Fitness - Designed to promote flexibility, core movement & strength to stretch your body & improve balance & coordination - All levels of fitness & mobility welcome - Free - Lion's Den - 210 King Street - Parrsboro

3pm - Glacial Parrsboro Walk - A Fundy Winter Carnival event by Cobequid Young Naturalist Club, Fundy Geological Museum & Cliffs of Fundy Geopark - Meet at the bottom of Kirkhill and walk 1.7km up to a lookoff point where you can see how Parrsboro was shaped by glaciers - Families with children & everyone welcome - Approx 1.5 hrs, 3.4 km total - Meet at 3pm at intersection of Hwy 209 & Kirkhill Road - Parrsboro

3pm-11pm - Valentine Party at The Legion - Drinks, snacks & a DJ spinning some tunes - Designated driver will be available -Legion Branch 45 - 56 Moore Street - Parrsboro

3pm-4pm - Heart Centred Yoga - This is a free Winter Carnival event - Fire Hall - Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

4pm-6pm - Valentine Supper - Choose from fish & chips or hamburger & fries with tea/coffee and pie for dessert - $15/person - Community Hall - 10267 Hwy 209 - Diligent River

7pm - Candlelit Valentine's Dinner - Exquisite french cuisine prepared by Chef Alex - The link will take you to the FB post with menu details - To book your reservation call 902-348-2000 - Fox Point Inn - 490 Fox Point Road (off Hwy 209) - Parrsboro  Cancelled

7pm - Open Mic at The Hall - Everyone welcome to come out for great entertainment - Canteen - Door prizes - 50/50 - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro

7pm - Trivia Night - Join some friends for some trivia challenges & great beer - Call 902-728-2221 to reserve your spot - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro

7pm-9pm - Parrsboro Life Drawing - Everyone/all skill levels welcome - This group meets bi-weekly - Bring your own art supplies - Cost is $5 which will go to the model - The link will take you to their Facebook page where you can get more information - High School Library - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

7pm-9pm - Adult Community Basketball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

7pm-9pm - Murder Mystery Cocktail Party - A pirate themed murder mystery with snacks provided, a cash bar and lots of fun - Hosted by Ship's Company Theatre - Click the link for tickets - Gillespie House - 358 Main Street - Parrsboro

8pm-12am - Valentine's Day Party - Live music with Flip Side Duo - $10 cover charge - Ages 19+ only - Glooscap Restaurant & Lounge - 758 Main Street - Parrsboro

Saturday February 15, 2025

Fundy Shore Winter Carnival

9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Winter Carnival event - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

10am - Craft at the Advocate Library - Heart Hedgehogs - Advocate Library - 93 Mills Road - Advocate Harbour

1pm-4pm - Snowmobile Club BBQ & Open House - A Fundy Winter Carnival event by Cobequid Glooscap Snowmobile Club - Come have a snack & check out the clubhouse - There will be dealers on site with sleds & gear - Check out some vintage sleds, kids sleds & groomers - 4296 Hwy 2 - Parrsboro

1:30pm - Gilbert Lake Treasure Hunt- This is a free Fundy Winter Carnival event - This is a 1hr walk along 1km of the flat, old coal rail line searching for tracks and evidence of hidden life now dormant under the snow - Meet the group at Fundy Geological Museum (162 Two Islands Road) and from there drive 10km to Lakelands Road - Parrsboro

2pm-5pm - Live Music at The Brewery - A great Winter Carnival afternoon with 24 Karat performing - $10 cover - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro

6pm - Open Mic  & Auction - Doors open at 6pm - Open mic starts at 7pm - Come out to enjoy live music, canteen, 50/50 & auction - All proceeds will go a local family in support of the loss of their partner - Fire Hall - 4176 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

6:30pm - Valentine Trivia Night - Come out for trivia, appetizers & desserts - Bring a friend and join a team - Contact Jen at the OA office for further details 902-297-8850 - Open Arms Church - 1437 Smith Hollow Road - Parrsboro

7pm - Winter Carnival Movie Night - Showing Wonka - Rated PG - Starring Timothée Chalamet as Willy Wonka and Hugh Grant as the Oompa-Loompa. Admission by donation ($5 suggested) - Concession will be open - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro

7pm-9pm - Murder Mystery Cocktail Party - A pirate themed murder mystery with snacks provided, a cash bar and lots of fun - Hosted by Ship's Company Theatre - Click the link for tickets - Gillespie House - 358 Main Street - Parrsboro

Sunday February16, 2025

Fundy Shore Winter Carnival

8am-11am - Breakfast at the Bazaar - Five Islands Bazaar - 1144 Hwy 2 - Five Islands

9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Winter Carnival event - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

1:30pm-2:30pm - Walk to Frozen Jeffers Falls - This is a free Fundy Winter Carnival event - Meet at the trailhead for an easy 300 metre flat walk along the brook to the bottom of the falls to see the huge icicles and frozen chute emptying into the small basal pool - Jeffers Falls - 1734 Newville Road - Parrsboro

2pm-4pm - Sip & Sketch - All artists are invited to work on your latest project and enjoy some craft beer and get some inspiration from friends - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro

2pm-4pm - CC Crooners Live - A fun afternoon of fantastic musicians - All proceeds to the Diligent River Community Hall - $10/person - Community Hall - 10267 Hwy 209 - Diligent River

7pm-9pm - Seniors Game Night - This is a free Winter Carnival event - Fire Hall - Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

Monday February 17, 2025

Heritage Day (Holiday may effect scheduled events)

Fundy Shore Winter Carnival

9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Winter Carnival event - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

11am-2pm - Parrsboro Carnival Day - Ice skating party with big screen, horse drawn sleigh rides, kicksledding, Zoo to You petting zoo, games, prizes & lots of fun - Lions Arena - 2163 Western Avenue - Parrsboro

1pm-4pm - Parrsboro Fibre Guild - Typically meets the 3rd Monday of the month - Learn new skills, hone existing talents & have fun - Often a presenter at each meeting will lead the group with new insights and activities - New members and all levels of experience welcome - Yearly membership fee $10 - The link will take you to their Facebook page where you can contact them - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

2pm-2:45pm - Yoga Flow in the Snow - This a free Winter Carnival event - Exact location TBA - Advocate Harbour

6pm-8pm - Line Dancing - Every one welcome to come out for some fun - This is free but a donation to the Lions Club appreciated - Please bring indoor shoes - Lions Den - 210 King Street - Parrsboro

6:30pm-8pm - Winter Carnival Craft Night - Join Jackie & Missy to creat a sea glass picture - Materials provided - Fire Hall - 4176 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

Tuesday February 18, 2025

9am - Yoga with Will - Back to basics yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

9:30am-12pm - Community Care & Connect - Meet neighbours & friends for a coffee & snack - Connect with community resources for well being & support - Weekly on Tuesdays - Sponsored by Maggie's Place, Public Health & NS Health services - Fire Hall - 353 Hwy 2 - Five Islands

9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

10:20am - Mindfulness & Meditation Gathering - Whether you are brand new to meditation or have been practicing for decades, please join as we gather together in mindfulness - Hosted by Will Konshin Bollwerk - Donation to the museum suggested - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

11:30am - Chair Yoga - By donation ($5 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

3pm-4pm - Stick 'N Puck Skate - Helmets, gloves, skates & sticks required (face shield & shin pads recommended) - Free - CSA Certified helmets required (limited number helmets & sticks available to borrow) - Children 12 & under must have adult supervision on site - Lions Arena - 2163 Western Avenue - Parrsboro

3pm-4pm - Yoga With Meagan - Everyone welcome - Mats and props available if needed - Pay what you can if you can - For more info contact Meagan (902) 254-4021 - Chignecto Manor - 24 Bayview Manor Road - Advocate Harbour

6pm - Lions BINGO  - Play on TV, online, at the Lion's Den (210 King Street Parrsboro) or at Two Islands Brewing (169 Main Street Parrsboro) - cards available at many local businesses

6:30pm-7:30pm - Yoga With Charlene - Gentle yoga, all levels - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro

7pm-9pm - Archery - Down By The Bay Archery will be having practice Tuesday evenings until the end of April - Everyone is welcome to come and try for 3 times but then you must become a member of Archery Nova Scotia for insurance purposes - To help cover costs it will be $5 per evening for adults - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

7:30pm - King Street Strummers - Bring your string, voices and other instruments, come out, make some music and make a new friend - Everyone of any level of experience is welcome - Free - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro

Wednesday February 19, 2025

10am - Parrsboro Pacers - NS Walks Parrsboro weekly walking group -Everyone welcome - Meet at The Bandstand - Main Street - Parrsboro

10am-11am - YMCA Kickbox Cardio - A low impact-high energy choreographed full body workout - Punch and kick combinations that will challenge your stamina & coordination and get your heart pumping - Indoor sneakers required - No pre-registration needed - $8/adult - $5/student or senior - Volunteer instructor Phyllis Y. - Lion's Den - 210 King Street - Parrsboro

2pm - Wednesday Films at The Hall - Showing We Grown Now - A 2024 drama about growing up in 1992 Chicago - Big screen - Comfy seating - Canteen open for snacks including fresh popcorn - Hearing assistance devices available - Admission by donation  - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro

5:45pm-6:45pm - Sledge Hockey - This 6-week sledge program is open to ages 8+ all levels - $10/person - To register contact Nick Leopold <nleopold@cumberlandcounty.ns.ca>  or call 902-397-3845 - Limited spots are available - Lions Arena - 2163 Western Avenue - Parrsboro

7pm -  Sound Bath - Relax & let go of stress as you immerse yourself in the sound & vibrations of the crystal bowls - $15 - Bring a mat, pillow and blanket - Please register with Michelle Anne - Gillespie House Yoga Loft - 358 Main Street - Parrsboro

7pm-9pm - Adult Community Volleyball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

7:30pm - Wednesday Films at The Hall - Showing We Grown Now - A 2024 drama about growing up in 1992 Chicago - Big screen - Comfy seating - Canteen open for snacks including fresh popcorn - Hearing assistance devices available - Admission by donation  - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro

Thursday February 20, 2025

9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

10am-12pm - Family Playgroup - A weekly drop-in program for parents/caregivers and their 0-5 yr old children - Stories, singing, fun activities & a healthy snack - Free - Hosted by Maggie's Place - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

11am-6pm - Flippin' Mike's Food Truck - Gourmet burgers & fries - Click the link for their website with menu & updated location info - Weather permitting - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

12:30pm-2:30pm - Friendship Café - Enjoy tea or coffee & a treat (lemon squares & chocolate brownies) with friends - St. Brigid's Hall - 340 Main Street - Parrsboro

3:45pm-4:30pm - Parrsboro Cyclefit - Coed spin class - A great workout that you can fine tune to your level -Advanced online registration is required (up to 24 hrs in advance) via the Cumberland YMCA website - Parrsboro High School (upstairs classroom) - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

4pm-Close - Thursday night is Wing Night at Two Islands Brewing & Glooscap Restaurant - Parrsboro

5:30pm-7pm - Public Skate - All ages - Free - CSA Certified helmets required (limited number available to borrow) - Children 12 & under must have adult supervision on site - Lions Arena - 2163 Western Avenue - Parrsboro

6:30pm-7:30pm - Bodypump - Bodypump is a toning class using weights suitable for all fitness levels - Equipment is available for use - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro

7pm-7:30pm - Adult Public Skate - Ages 18+ only - Free - CSA Certified helmets required (limited number available to borrow) - Lions Arena - 2163 Western Avenue - Parrsboro

Friday February 21, 2025

9am - Yoga with Will - Flow yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

10:30am-Noon - Belly Dancing - All empowered women are invited to come out for some fun & giggles - No experience necessary - Free - Wear what you want (a sheer scarf or piece of fabric to tie around the waist is a good idea) -  Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

7pm - Advocate Community Bingo - Everyone welcome - Canteen available - Advocate Fire Hall - 4176 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour 

7pm-9pm - Adult Community Basketball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

7:30pm-10pm - Karaoke Night - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro

Saturday Friday 22, 2025

10am-11:30am - Yoga at The Inn - All levels welcome to Join Heather for this breath guided practice for strengthening & stretching -Message yogaattheinn@gmail.com to reserve your spot - Gillespie House Yoga Studio - 358 Main Street - Parrsboro

7pm - Open Mic Night - Everyone welcome to come out for some great entertainment or to step into the spotlight and be a star - Community Hall - 10267 Hwy 209 - Diligent River

7pm - Open Mic at The Brewery - Share your talent with the community - Music, poetry, comedy or something unique, please come out & show your stuff - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro

Sunday February 23, 2025

8am-11am - Breakfast at the Bazaar - Five Islands Bazaar - 1144 Hwy 2 - Five Islands

2pm-4pm - Sip & Sketch - All artists are invited to work on your latest project and enjoy some craft beer and get some inspiration from friends - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro

Monday February 24, 2025

10am-2pm - Beachside Hookers & Fibre Artists - New members are always welcome & encouraged to bring along their projects to work on - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

5:45pm-6:30pm - Parrsboro Cyclefit - Coed spin class - A great workout that you can fine tune to your level -Advanced online registration is required (up to 24 hrs in advance) via the Cumberland YMCA website - Parrsboro High School (upstairs classroom) - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

6pm-8pm - Line Dancing - Every one welcome to come out for some fun - This is free but a donation to the Lions Club appreciated - Please bring indoor shoes - Lions Den - 210 King Street - Parrsboro

6:30pm-8pm - Pickleball - Whether you are a beginner or a pro come out to join the fun - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Joshua at 902-694-0714 for more info - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

Tuesday February 25, 2025

9am - Yoga with Will - Back to basics yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

9:30am-12pm - Community Care & Connect - Meet neighbours & friends for a coffee & snack - Connect with community resources for well being & support - Weekly on Tuesdays - Sponsored by Maggie's Place, Public Health & NS Health services - Fire Hall - 353 Hwy 2 - Five Islands

9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

10:20am - Mindfulness & Meditation Gathering - Whether you are brand new to meditation or have been practicing for decades, please join as we gather together in mindfulness - Hosted by Will Konshin Bollwerk - Donation to the museum suggested - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

11:30am - Chair Yoga - By donation ($5 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

3pm-4pm - Stick 'N Puck Skate - Helmets, gloves, skates & sticks required (face shield & shin pads recommended) - Free - CSA Certified helmets required (limited number helmets & sticks available to borrow) - Children 12 & under must have adult supervision on site - Lions Arena - 2163 Western Avenue - Parrsboro

3pm-4pm - Yoga With Meagan - Everyone welcome - Mats and props available if needed - Pay what you can if you can - For more info contact Meagan (902) 254-4021 - Chignecto Manor - 24 Bayview Manor Road - Advocate Harbour

6pm - Lions BINGO  - Play on TV, online, at the Lion's Den (210 King Street Parrsboro) or at Two Islands Brewing (169 Main Street Parrsboro) - cards available at many local businesses

6:30pm-7:30pm - Yoga With Charlene - Gentle yoga, all levels - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro

7pm-9pm - Archery - Down By The Bay Archery will be having practice Tuesday evenings until the end of April - Everyone is welcome to come and try for 3 times but then you must become a member of Archery Nova Scotia for insurance purposes - To help cover costs it will be $5 per evening for adults - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

7:30pm - King Street Strummers - Bring your string, voices and other instruments, come out, make some music and make a new friend - Everyone of any level of experience is welcome - Free - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro

Wednesday February 26, 2025

10am - Parrsboro Pacers - NS Walks Parrsboro weekly walking group -Everyone welcome - Meet at The Bandstand - Main Street - Parrsboro

10am-11am - YMCA Kickbox Cardio - A low impact-high energy choreographed full body workout - Punch and kick combinations that will challenge your stamina & coordination and get your heart pumping - Indoor sneakers required - No pre-registration needed - $8/adult - $5/student or senior - Volunteer instructor Phyllis Y. - Lion's Den - 210 King Street - Parrsboro

3pm-5pm - Queer Drop-In - Intro to Dungeons & Dragons - Ages 15+ are welcome to come hang out in a safe, support space - Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday - Fundy Geological Museum (multipurpose room) - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

5:45pm-6:45pm - Sledge Hockey - This 6-week sledge program is open to ages 8+ all levels - $10/person - To register contact Nick Leopold <nleopold@cumberlandcounty.ns.ca>  or call 902-397-3845 - Limited spots are available - Lions Arena - 2163 Western Avenue - Parrsboro

7pm - Sea Song & Shanty Singalong  - Join Bartlett's Privateers for a shanty singalong - All are welcome and no  experience required  - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro

7pm-9pm - Adult Community Volleyball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

Thursday February 27, 2025

9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour

10am-4pm - The Travelling Optician - Eyewear consultation, purchase & repair - They can access your prescription if you don't have a copy - Will be in Parrsboro every 2nd Thursday - Call 902-669-4599 for information - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

10am-12pm - Family Playgroup - A weekly drop-in program for parents/caregivers and their 0-5 yr old children - Stories, singing, fun activities & a healthy snack - Free - Hosted by Maggie's Place - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

11am-6pm - Flippin' Mike's Food Truck - Gourmet burgers & fries - Click the link for their website with menu & updated location info - Weather permitting - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

3:45pm-4:30pm - Parrsboro Cyclefit - Coed spin class - A great workout that you can fine tune to your level -Advanced online registration is required (up to 24 hrs in advance) via the Cumberland YMCA website - Parrsboro High School (upstairs classroom) - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

4pm-Close - Thursday night is Wing Night at Two Islands Brewing & Glooscap Restaurant - Parrsboro

5:30pm-7pm - Public Skate - All ages - Free - CSA Certified helmets required (limited number available to borrow) - Children 12 & under must have adult supervision on site - Lions Arena - 2163 Western Avenue - Parrsboro

6:30pm-7:30pm - Bodypump - Bodypump is a toning class using weights suitable for all fitness levels - Equipment is available for use - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro

7pm-7:30pm - Adult Public Skate - Ages 18+ only - Free - CSA Certified helmets required (limited number available to borrow) - Lions Arena - 2163 Western Avenue - Parrsboro

Friday February 28, 2025

9am - Yoga with Will - Flow yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

10:30am-Noon - Belly Dancing - All empowered women are invited to come out for some fun & giggles - No experience necessary - Free - Wear what you want (a sheer scarf or piece of fabric to tie around the waist is a good idea) -  Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro

7pm - Open Mic at The Hall - Everyone welcome to come out for great entertainment - Canteen - Door prizes - 50/50 - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro

7pm - Trivia Night - Join some friends for some trivia challenges & great beer - Call 902-728-2221 to reserve your spot - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro

7pm-9pm - Adult Community Basketball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro

7pm-9pm - Parrsboro Life Drawing - Everyone/all skill levels welcome - This group meets bi-weekly - Bring your own art supplies - Cost is $5 which will go to the model - The link will take you to their Facebook page where you can get more information - High School Library - 109 King Street - Parrsboro