Tuesday April 1, 2025
9am - Yoga with Will - Back to basics yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
9:30am-12pm - Community Care & Connect - Meet neighbours & friends for a coffee & snack - Connect with community resources for well being & support - Weekly on Tuesdays - Sponsored by Maggie's Place, Public Health & NS Health services - Fire Hall - 353 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour
10:20am - Mindfulness & Meditation Gathering - Whether you are brand new to meditation or have been practicing for decades, please join as we gather together in mindfulness - Hosted by Will Konshin Bollwerk - Donation to the museum suggested - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
11:30am - Chair Yoga - By donation ($5 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
3pm-4pm - Yoga With Meagan - Everyone welcome - Mats and props available if needed - Pay what you can if you can - For more info contact Meagan (902) 254-4021 - Chignecto Manor - 24 Bayview Manor Road - Advocate Harbour
6pm - Lions BINGO play on TV, online, at the Lion's Den (210 King Street Parrsboro) or at Two Islands Brewing (169 Main Street Parrsboro) - cards available at many local businesses
6:30pm-7:30pm - Yoga With Charlene - Gentle yoga, all levels - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro
7pm-9pm - Archery - Down By The Bay Archery will be having practice Tuesday evenings until the end of April - Everyone is welcome to come and try for 3 times but then you must become a member of Archery Nova Scotia for insurance purposes - To help cover costs it will be $5 per evening for adults - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
7:30pm - King Street Strummers - Bring your string, voices and other instruments, come out, make some music and make a new friend - Everyone of any level of experience is welcome - Free - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
Wednesday April 2, 2025
10am - Parrsboro Pacers - NS Walks Parrsboro weekly walking group -Everyone welcome - Meet at The Bandstand - Main Street - Parrsboro
10am-11am - YMCA Kickbox Cardio - A low impact-high energy choreographed full body workout - Punch and kick combinations that will challenge your stamina & coordination and get your heart pumping - Indoor sneakers required - No pre-registration needed - $8/adult - $5/student or senior - Volunteer instructor Phyllis Y. - Lion's Den - 210 King Street - Parrsboro
2pm - Wednesday Matinée at The Hall - Big screen - Comfy seating - Canteen open for snacks including fresh popcorn - Hearing assistance devices available - Admission by donation - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
7pm-9pm - Adult Community Volleyball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
7pm-10pm - Game Night - 1st Wednesday of every month - Everyone welcome - Free - Bring your own snacks and games - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
7:30pm - Wednesday Movies at The Halll - Big screen - Comfy seating - Canteen open for snacks including fresh popcorn - Hearing assistance devices available - Admission by donation - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
Thursday April 3, 2025
9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour
10am-Noon - Crochet Group - Come out to work on community crochet projects - All experience levels welcome including those who want to learn how - Reach out to Isidora Spielmann for details - Art Lab Studios & Gallery - 121 Main Street - Parrsboro
10am-12pm - Family Playgroup - A weekly drop-in program for parents/caregivers and their 0-5 yr old children - Stories, singing, fun activities & a healthy snack - Free - Hosted by Maggie's Place - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
11am-6pm - Flippin' Mike's Food Truck - Gourmet burgers & fries - Click the link for their website with menu & updated location info - Weather permitting - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
4pm-Close - Thursday night is Wing Night at Two Islands Brewing & Glooscap Restaurant - Parrsboro
6:30pm-7:30pm - Bodypump - Bodypump is a toning class using weights suitable for all fitness levels - Equipment is available for use - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro
Friday April 4, 2025
9am - Yoga with Will - Flow yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
6pm - Five Islands Fire Department Bingo - Everyone welcome - Doors open at 6pm, early quickie games at 6:30, regular Bingo starts at 7:15 - Come out and support this weekly fundraiser which will go towards a new fire truck - Fire Hall - 353 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
7pm - Advocate Community Bingo - Everyone welcome - Canteen available - Advocate Fire Hall - 4176 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour
7pm-9pm - Adult Community Basketball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
7:30pm-10pm - Karaoke Night - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro
Saturday April 5, 2025
11am - Cribbage Tournament - Come with or without a partner - $7 entry - Lunch available for $9 (RSVP if you would like lunch) - Five Islands Bazaar - 1144 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
7pm - Open Mic Night - Everyone welcome to come out for some great entertainment or to step into the spotlight and be a star - Community Hall - 10267 Hwy 209 - Diligent River
7pm - Open Mic at The Brewery - Share your talent with the community - Music, poetry, comedy or something unique, please come out & show your stuff - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro
Sunday April 6, 2025
8am-11am - Breakfast at the Bazaar - Five Islands Bazaar - 1144 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
2pm - Sunday Matinée at The Hall - Big screen - Comfy seating - Canteen open for snacks including fresh popcorn - Hearing assistance devices available - Admission by donation - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
2pm-4pm - Sip & Sketch - All artists are invited to work on your latest project and enjoy some craft beer and get some inspiration from friends - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro
Monday April 7, 2025
Parrsboro Garden Club - Typically meets the first Monday of the month (But sometimes this changes with holidays and such so it is best to reach out to them directly for schedule and times if you are interested in attending) - New members welcome - The link will take you to their Facebook page where you can contact them - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
10am-2pm - Beachside Hookers & Fibre Artists - New members are always welcome & encouraged to bring along their projects to work on - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
5:45pm-6:30pm - Parrsboro Cyclefit - Coed spin class - A great workout that you can fine tune to your level -Advanced online registration is required (up to 24 hrs in advance) via the Cumberland YMCA website - Parrsboro High School (upstairs classroom) - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
6:30pm-8pm - Pickleball - Whether you are a beginner or a pro come out to join the fun - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Joshua at 902-694-0714 for more info - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
Tuesday April 8, 2025
9am - Yoga with Will - Back to basics yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
9:30am-12pm - Community Care & Connect - Meet neighbours & friends for a coffee & snack - Connect with community resources for well being & support - Weekly on Tuesdays - Sponsored by Maggie's Place, Public Health & NS Health services - Fire Hall - 353 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour
10:20am - Mindfulness & Meditation Gathering - Whether you are brand new to meditation or have been practicing for decades, please join as we gather together in mindfulness - Hosted by Will Konshin Bollwerk - Donation to the museum suggested - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
11:30am - Chair Yoga - By donation ($5 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
3pm-4pm - Yoga With Meagan - Everyone welcome - Mats and props available if needed - Pay what you can if you can - For more info contact Meagan (902) 254-4021 - Chignecto Manor - 24 Bayview Manor Road - Advocate Harbour
6pm - Lions BINGO play on TV, online, at the Lion's Den (210 King Street Parrsboro) or at Two Islands Brewing (169 Main Street Parrsboro) - cards available at many local businesses
6:30pm-7:30pm - Yoga With Charlene - Gentle yoga, all levels - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro
7pm-9pm - Archery - Down By The Bay Archery will be having practice Tuesday evenings until the end of April - Everyone is welcome to come and try for 3 times but then you must become a member of Archery Nova Scotia for insurance purposes - To help cover costs it will be $5 per evening for adults - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
7:30pm - King Street Strummers - Bring your string, voices and other instruments, come out, make some music and make a new friend - Everyone of any level of experience is welcome - Free - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
Wednesday April 9, 2025
10am - Parrsboro Pacers - NS Walks Parrsboro weekly walking group -Everyone welcome - Meet at The Bandstand - Main Street - Parrsboro
10am-11am - YMCA Kickbox Cardio - A low impact-high energy choreographed full body workout - Punch and kick combinations that will challenge your stamina & coordination and get your heart pumping - Indoor sneakers required - No pre-registration needed - $8/adult - $5/student or senior - Volunteer instructor Phyllis Y. - Lion's Den - 210 King Street - Parrsboro
7pm - Sea Song & Shanty Singalong - Join Bartlett's Privateers for a shanty singalong - All are welcome and no experience required - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
7pm-9pm - Adult Community Volleyball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
Thursday April 10, 2025
9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour
10am-Noon - Crochet Group - Come out to work on community crochet projects - All experience levels welcome including those who want to learn how - Reach out to Isidora Spielmann for details - Art Lab Studios & Gallery - 121 Main Street - Parrsboro
10am-3:30pm - The Travelling Optician - Eyewear consultation, purchase & repair - They can access your prescription if you don't have a copy - Will be in Parrsboro every 2nd Thursday - Call 902-669-4599 for information - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
10am-12pm - Family Playgroup - A weekly drop-in program for parents/caregivers and their 0-5 yr old children - Stories, singing, fun activities & a healthy snack - Free - Hosted by Maggie's Place - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
11am-6pm - Flippin' Mike's Food Truck - Gourmet burgers & fries - Click the link for their website with menu & updated location info - Weather permitting - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
3:45pm-4:30pm - Parrsboro Cyclefit - Coed spin class - A great workout that you can fine tune to your level -Advanced online registration is required (up to 24 hrs in advance) via the Cumberland YMCA website - Parrsboro High School (upstairs classroom) - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
4pm-Close - Thursday night is Wing Night at Two Islands Brewing & Glooscap Restaurant - Parrsboro
6:30pm-7:30pm - Bodypump - Bodypump is a toning class using weights suitable for all fitness levels - Equipment is available for use - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro
Friday April 11, 2025
9am - Yoga with Will - Flow yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
6pm - Five Islands Fire Department Bingo - Everyone welcome - Doors open at 6pm, early quickie games at 6:30, regular Bingo starts at 7:15 - Come out and support this weekly fundraiser which will go towards a new fire truck - Fire Hall - 353 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
7pm-9pm - Parrsboro Life Drawing - Everyone/all skill levels welcome - This group meets bi-weekly - Bring your own art supplies - Cost is $5 which will go to the model - The link will take you to their Facebook page where you can get more information - High School Library - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
7pm-9pm - Adult Community Basketball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
7pm - Open Mic at The Hall - Everyone welcome to come out for great entertainment - Canteen - Door prizes - 50/50 - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
7pm - Trivia Night - Join some friends for some trivia challenges & great beer - Call 902-728-2221 to reserve your spot - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro
Saturday April 12, 2025
7pm - Open Mic Night - Come out to enjoy live music, canteen & 50/50 - Donations at the door - Log Building - Mills Road - Advocate Harbour
Sunday April 13, 2025
8am-11am - Breakfast at the Bazaar - Five Islands Bazaar - 1144 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
2pm-4pm - Sip & Sketch - All artists are invited to work on your latest project and enjoy some craft beer and get some inspiration from friends - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro
Monday April 14, 2025
10am-2pm - Beachside Hookers & Fibre Artists - New members are always welcome & encouraged to bring along their projects to work on - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
5:45pm-6:30pm - Parrsboro Cyclefit - Coed spin class - A great workout that you can fine tune to your level -Advanced online registration is required (up to 24 hrs in advance) via the Cumberland YMCA website - Parrsboro High School (upstairs classroom) - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
6:30pm-8pm - Pickleball - Whether you are a beginner or a pro come out to join the fun - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Joshua at 902-694-0714 for more info - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
Tuesday April 15, 2025
9am - Yoga with Will - Back to basics yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
9:30am-12pm - Community Care & Connect - Meet neighbours & friends for a coffee & snack - Connect with community resources for well being & support - Weekly on Tuesdays - Sponsored by Maggie's Place, Public Health & NS Health services - Fire Hall - 353 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour
10:20am - Mindfulness & Meditation Gathering - Whether you are brand new to meditation or have been practicing for decades, please join as we gather together in mindfulness - Hosted by Will Konshin Bollwerk - Donation to the museum suggested - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
11:30am - Chair Yoga - By donation ($5 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
3pm-4pm - Yoga With Meagan - Everyone welcome - Mats and props available if needed - Pay what you can if you can - For more info contact Meagan (902) 254-4021 - Chignecto Manor - 24 Bayview Manor Road - Advocate Harbour
6pm - Lions BINGO play on TV, online, at the Lion's Den (210 King Street Parrsboro) or at Two Islands Brewing (169 Main Street Parrsboro) - cards available at many local businesses
6:30pm-7:30pm - Yoga With Charlene - Gentle yoga, all levels - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro
7pm-9pm - Archery - Down By The Bay Archery will be having practice Tuesday evenings until the end of April - Everyone is welcome to come and try for 3 times but then you must become a member of Archery Nova Scotia for insurance purposes - To help cover costs it will be $5 per evening for adults - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
7:30pm - King Street Strummers - Bring your string, voices and other instruments, come out, make some music and make a new friend - Everyone of any level of experience is welcome - Free - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
Wednesday April 16, 2025
10am - Parrsboro Pacers - NS Walks Parrsboro weekly walking group -Everyone welcome - Meet at The Bandstand - Main Street - Parrsboro
10am-11am - YMCA Kickbox Cardio - A low impact-high energy choreographed full body workout - Punch and kick combinations that will challenge your stamina & coordination and get your heart pumping - Indoor sneakers required - No pre-registration needed - $8/adult - $5/student or senior - Volunteer instructor Phyllis Y. - Lion's Den - 210 King Street - Parrsboro
2pm - Wednesday Matinée at The Hall - Big screen - Comfy seating - Canteen open for snacks including fresh popcorn - Hearing assistance devices available - Admission by donation - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
7pm-9pm - Adult Community Volleyball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
7:30pm - Wednesday Movies at The Halll - Big screen - Comfy seating - Canteen open for snacks including fresh popcorn - Hearing assistance devices available - Admission by donation - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
Thursday April 17, 2025
9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour
10am-Noon - Crochet Group - Come out to work on community crochet projects - All experience levels welcome including those who want to learn how - Reach out to Isidora Spielmann for details - Art Lab Studios & Gallery - 121 Main Street - Parrsboro
10am-12pm - Family Playgroup - A weekly drop-in program for parents/caregivers and their 0-5 yr old children - Stories, singing, fun activities & a healthy snack - Free - Hosted by Maggie's Place - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
11am-6pm - Flippin' Mike's Food Truck - Gourmet burgers & fries - Click the link for their website with menu & updated location info - Weather permitting - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
4pm-Close - Thursday night is Wing Night at Two Islands Brewing & Glooscap Restaurant - Parrsboro
6:30pm-7:30pm - Bodypump - Bodypump is a toning class using weights suitable for all fitness levels - Equipment is available for use - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro
Friday April 18, 2025
Good Friday (Holiday may effect scheduled events)
9am - Yoga with Will - Flow yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
6pm - Five Islands Fire Department Bingo - Everyone welcome - Doors open at 6pm, early quickie games at 6:30, regular Bingo starts at 7:15 - Come out and support this weekly fundraiser which will go towards a new fire truck - Fire Hall - 353 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
7pm - Advocate Community Bingo - Everyone welcome - Canteen available - Advocate Fire Hall - 4176 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour
7:30pm-10pm - Karaoke Night - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro
Saturday April 19, 2025
7pm - Open Mic Night - Everyone welcome to come out for some great entertainment or to step into the spotlight and be a star - Community Hall - 10267 Hwy 209 - Diligent River
7pm - Open Mic at The Brewery - Share your talent with the community - Music, poetry, comedy or something unique, please come out & show your stuff - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro
Sunday April 20, 2025
8am-11am - Breakfast at the Bazaar - Five Islands Bazaar - 1144 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
2pm-4pm - Sip & Sketch - All artists are invited to work on your latest project and enjoy some craft beer and get some inspiration from friends - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro
Monday April 21, 2025
Easter Monday
10am-2pm - Beachside Hookers & Fibre Artists - New members are always welcome & encouraged to bring along their projects to work on - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
1pm-4pm - Parrsboro Fibre Guild - Typically meets the 3rd Monday of the month - Learn new skills, hone existing talents & have fun - Often a presenter at each meeting will lead the group with new insights and activities - New members and all levels of experience welcome - Yearly membership fee $10 - The link will take you to their Facebook page where you can contact them - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
Tuesday April 22, 2025
9am - Yoga with Will - Back to basics yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
9:30am-12pm - Community Care & Connect - Meet neighbours & friends for a coffee & snack - Connect with community resources for well being & support - Weekly on Tuesdays - Sponsored by Maggie's Place, Public Health & NS Health services - Fire Hall - 353 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour
10:20am - Mindfulness & Meditation Gathering - Whether you are brand new to meditation or have been practicing for decades, please join as we gather together in mindfulness - Hosted by Will Konshin Bollwerk - Donation to the museum suggested - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
11:30am - Chair Yoga - By donation ($5 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
3pm-4pm - Yoga With Meagan - Everyone welcome - Mats and props available if needed - Pay what you can if you can - For more info contact Meagan (902) 254-4021 - Chignecto Manor - 24 Bayview Manor Road - Advocate Harbour
6pm - Lions BINGO play on TV, online, at the Lion's Den (210 King Street Parrsboro) or at Two Islands Brewing (169 Main Street Parrsboro) - cards available at many local businesses
6:30pm-7:30pm - Yoga With Charlene - Gentle yoga, all levels - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro
7pm-9pm - Archery - Down By The Bay Archery will be having practice Tuesday evenings until the end of April - Everyone is welcome to come and try for 3 times but then you must become a member of Archery Nova Scotia for insurance purposes - To help cover costs it will be $5 per evening for adults - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
7:30pm - King Street Strummers - Bring your string, voices and other instruments, come out, make some music and make a new friend - Everyone of any level of experience is welcome - Free - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
Wednesday April 23, 2025
10am - Parrsboro Pacers - NS Walks Parrsboro weekly walking group -Everyone welcome - Meet at The Bandstand - Main Street - Parrsboro
7pm - Sea Song & Shanty Singalong - Join Bartlett's Privateers for a shanty singalong - All are welcome and no experience required - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
7pm-9pm - Adult Community Volleyball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
Thursday April 24, 2025
9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour
10am-Noon - Crochet Group - Come out to work on community crochet projects - All experience levels welcome including those who want to learn how - Reach out to Isidora Spielmann for details - Art Lab Studios & Gallery - 121 Main Street - Parrsboro
10am-3:30pm - The Travelling Optician - Eyewear consultation, purchase & repair - They can access your prescription if you don't have a copy - Will be in Parrsboro every 2nd Thursday - Call 902-669-4599 for information - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
10am-12pm - Family Playgroup - A weekly drop-in program for parents/caregivers and their 0-5 yr old children - Stories, singing, fun activities & a healthy snack - Free - Hosted by Maggie's Place - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
11am-6pm - Flippin' Mike's Food Truck - Gourmet burgers & fries - Click the link for their website with menu & updated location info - Weather permitting - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
4pm-Close - Thursday night is Wing Night at Two Islands Brewing & Glooscap Restaurant - Parrsboro
6:30pm-7:30pm - Bodypump - Bodypump is a toning class using weights suitable for all fitness levels - Equipment is available for use - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro
Friday April 25, 2025
9am - Yoga with Will - Flow yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
6pm - Five Islands Fire Department Bingo - Everyone welcome - Doors open at 6pm, early quickie games at 6:30, regular Bingo starts at 7:15 - Come out and support this weekly fundraiser which will go towards a new fire truck - Fire Hall - 353 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
7pm-9pm - Parrsboro Life Drawing - Everyone/all skill levels welcome - This group meets bi-weekly - Bring your own art supplies - Cost is $5 which will go to the model - The link will take you to their Facebook page where you can get more information - High School Library - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
7pm - Open Mic at The Hall - Everyone welcome to come out for great entertainment - Canteen - Door prizes - 50/50 - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
7pm-9pm - Adult Community Basketball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
7pm - Trivia Night - Join some friends for some trivia challenges & great beer - Call 902-728-2221 to reserve your spot - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro
Saturday April 26, 2025
7pm - Open Mic Night - Come out to enjoy live music, canteen & 50/50 - Donations at the door - Log Building - Mills Road - Advocate Harbour
Sunday April 27, 2025
8am-11am - Breakfast at the Bazaar - Five Islands Bazaar - 1144 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
2pm-4pm - Sip & Sketch - All artists are invited to work on your latest project and enjoy some craft beer and get some inspiration from friends - Two Islands Brewing - 169 Main Street - Parrsboro
Monday April 28, 2025
10am-2pm - Beachside Hookers & Fibre Artists - New members are always welcome & encouraged to bring along their projects to work on - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
6:30pm-8pm - Pickleball - Whether you are a beginner or a pro come out to join the fun - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Joshua at 902-694-0714 for more info - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
Tuesday April 29, 2025
9am - Yoga with Will - Back to basics yoga for all levels, ages and abilities - By donation ($10 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
9:30am-12pm - Community Care & Connect - Meet neighbours & friends for a coffee & snack - Connect with community resources for well being & support - Weekly on Tuesdays - Sponsored by Maggie's Place, Public Health & NS Health services - Fire Hall - 353 Hwy 2 - Five Islands
9:45am - NS Walks Advocate - Everyone welcome to come out to join this free, gentle & friendly walk group - Meet at Rite Stop Country Store - 3554 Hwy 209 - Advocate Harbour
10:20am - Mindfulness & Meditation Gathering - Whether you are brand new to meditation or have been practicing for decades, please join as we gather together in mindfulness - Hosted by Will Konshin Bollwerk - Donation to the museum suggested - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
11:30am - Chair Yoga - By donation ($5 suggested) - Contact wpbollwerk@gmail.com to pre-register 24hrs in advance - Fundy Geological Museum - 162 Two Islands Road - Parrsboro
3pm-4pm - Yoga With Meagan - Everyone welcome - Mats and props available if needed - Pay what you can if you can - For more info contact Meagan (902) 254-4021 - Chignecto Manor - 24 Bayview Manor Road - Advocate Harbour
6pm - Lions BINGO play on TV, online, at the Lion's Den (210 King Street Parrsboro) or at Two Islands Brewing (169 Main Street Parrsboro) - cards available at many local businesses
6:30pm-7:30pm - Yoga With Charlene - Gentle yoga, all levels - No pre-registration needed - $10/class or $50 for a 6 class punch card - Elementary School Gym - 43 School Street - Parrsboro
7pm-9pm - Archery - Down By The Bay Archery will be having practice Tuesday evenings until the end of April - Everyone is welcome to come and try for 3 times but then you must become a member of Archery Nova Scotia for insurance purposes - To help cover costs it will be $5 per evening for adults - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
7:30pm - King Street Strummers - Bring your string, voices and other instruments, come out, make some music and make a new friend - Everyone of any level of experience is welcome - Free - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
Wednesday April 30, 2025
10am - Parrsboro Pacers - NS Walks Parrsboro weekly walking group -Everyone welcome - Meet at The Bandstand - Main Street - Parrsboro
2pm - Wednesday Matinée at The Hall - Big screen - Comfy seating - Canteen open for snacks including fresh popcorn - Hearing assistance devices available - Admission by donation - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro
7pm-9pm - Adult Community Volleyball - Sponsored by Cumberland Recreation - Free - Contact Brad at 902-297-1266 - High School Gym - 109 King Street - Parrsboro
7:30pm - Wednesday Movies at The Halll - Big screen - Comfy seating - Canteen open for snacks including fresh popcorn - Hearing assistance devices available - Admission by donation - The Hall - 44 King Street - Parrsboro